SpireSpark has been awarded the contract to continue DLNA's Certification Program. Consumer electronic manufacturers, software developers and middleware vendors continue to demand DLNA Certification to ensure interoperability with the multi-million unit DLNA ecosytem.
DLNA Certification and Test Tools are now available to all companies with
no DLNA Membership required.
DLNA Certification and Logo Program
The DLNA Certification and Logo Program is designed to ensure that DLNA Certified products have implemented the features necessary to comply with the DLNA Guidelines, and that they will in fact interoperate with other similar devices when connected to those devices in a consumer's home environment. The DLNA Certification and Logo Program enables companies to certify their products through a well-defined and rigorous process.
How to Certify a DLNA Product
Review and Analyze the DLNA Guidelines. Choose the feature sets needed in your company’s product and which DLNA device class or classes the product will include. Then, implement the features necessary to comply with the Guidelines in your device. The Guidelines are available at no cost at this link: https://www.dlna.org/guidelines/.
Choose Your DLNA Certification Program. For more information on versioning, read the DLNA Versioning Document.
- DLNA Certified 2.0: Certification to the DLNA Guidelines August 2009
- DLNA Certified 3.0: Certification to the DLNA Guidelines December 2011
Take Advantage of DLNA Certification Resources. SpireSpark is here to support you through the entire Certification Process.
dca@spirespark.com - For questions related to DLNA Certification, Test Tools, DLNA invoicing, Guidelines and testing issues, the Web-based Certification System (WCS), DLNA device submission, interoperability, or any other DLNA Certification support questions.
- Certification Updates - DLNA Certification Updates are intended to inform all interested companies about the most recent updates and news related to DLNA Test Tools, DLNA Test Content and DLNA Certification. These updates will be posted to the Certification blog.
Obtain Certification Prerequisites. Certifications from other organizations are required for devices supporting certain functionalities. Some of these may include UPnP™, Wi-Fi™, RVU, MoCA®, or HomePNA™.
Use the DLNA Test Tools. Companies must perform the tools testing and submit the test logs in the WCS when registering the product for DLNA Certification. Using the DLNA Certification Test Tools during product development enables defects to be found quickly and ensures nothing has broken between builds, saving your developers time and effort. Testing with these tools is critical to successfully certifying your product. Learn more about the DLNA Test Tools.
Submit Your Product Information in the WCS. DLNA’s Web-Based Certification System is where all product information is submitted and reviewed during the Certification process.
Find an ICV and Submit Product for Testing. There are five Independent Certification Vendors (ICVs) around the globe, who are trained and licensed to perform DLNA Certification testing. ICVs perform the Interoperability Testing against the DLNA Test Bed devices according to the DLNA Certification Test Plna. ICVs can also provide pre-testing services to help companies achieve Certification, including tools testing. Find an ICV near you.
- Unregistered Properties Testing. The first thing the ICV does is ensure that all device classes, capabilities, and features supported by the product were registered in the WCS submission. If any unregistered properties are found, they must be added to the submission.
- Interoperability Testing. The ICV conducts Discovery Testing and Interoperability Streaming Testing using the Test Bed Reference Devices as well as the Golden Devices.
- Small Network Testing. The ICV will ensure that your product interoperates with other devices even when several devices are connected on the same network.
Your Product is Certified! Once your product has successfully passed all required tests, you will receive your DLNA Test Certificate via email. After signing the Certification Mark License Agreement, you may use the DLNA Certified Logo on your product packaging and other collateral.